Monday 4 April 2011

Scrap New Year Resolutions!

It's been a while, three months of 'a while' in fact so time I sorted myself out and tried doing this more frequently. The problem was I made a New Year Resolution to write once a day for a month and of course it never happened, I could blame this on the fact I was laid up with a back injury but that isn't completely fair.

So how has the world of Phtotography treated me since I last posted? Not very well if I'm honest, so badly that I now work part time as a Pre-School Assistant! Don't get me wrong, it's a great job and I consider myself privilaged to be able to work with such great children but it's not exactly jetting off to Malta for a shoot in the sun. To be honest (again, twice in one post) I couldn't 'jet' anywhere as my passport is out of date!

But it's not all bad, there are jobs on the horizon, some voluntary work for HorseWorld near Bristol (who wouldn't want to give up their time for such a great cause?) and I have a few 'irons in the fire' which may come out glowing or stone cold, who knows?

So am I still 'Photographer and loving it!'? Yes, without doubt. I love taking pictures, my only problem is not getting myself 'out there' more but as long as that shutter is firing, i'm happy.

Now i'm not a political man, well maybe a bit, but I do avoid the news whenever possible, it's a repeat most days and just seems to frustrate and annoy me. I try not to be too outspoken (those who know me are now laughing) and this is meant to be about photography but I can't miss the opportunity to say a few words.....

Here is the scenario; A riot in London, thousands on the streets demanding a change in the goverment (who could blame them?), suddenly someone fires a gun and fighting breaks out, a building is stormed and suddenly everything goes bad. The rioters (shall we now call them rebels?) begin to organise themselves and plan to gradually take over London and the rest of the country. Aside from being a great photo opportunity, what would 'we' do? That's easy, send in the Army, SAS, Airforce etc and keep shooting at them until the die or give up. Would we expect France, USA or any one of several forgien powers to step in and start attacking us? No, of course not, SO WHY ARE WE DOING IT IN LYBIA?

There we are, 'nuff said.

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