Monday 11 April 2011

Don't shoot!

Just wanted to put a few thoughts down today before I left on an assignment. I'm shooting for a organisation today who have a visitor centre, in the mix today will be children, animals and parents.

The potential for problems is huge, nobody likes photographers at the best of times so what's the reaction going to be when I start pointing my camera in the direction of a group of children playing? Best not think about that now or may never leave!

To try and stave off any shouts of 'pervert' the organisation concerned has posted a series of notices informing visitors of my presence, I have a shirt proclaiming 'official photographer' on the back and I will be carrying authorisation entitling me to take the required pictures. Will this be enough? Only time will tell, I will be happy to talk to anyone who asks and who knows, maybe give out a few business cards in the process.

I'm a parent and I hate to admit I too would feel uncomfortable having a camera trained on my children. Is this a genuine concern or the direct result of media 'scare mongering'?

Of course it may just be we are scared of having our souls stolen.....

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