Tuesday 9 November 2010

Told you so

After everything I said yesterday, here we go again.

Another day, another shoot and this was tough. Model shoot again at what was described as 'a studio' but sadly no, it was a front room! Now there are one ot two things you can do when faced with problems like this, the first is to spend two hours pulling your hair out and the second is to go home, sadly I chose the former.

So I have half-decent lighting gear already there but no space to use it in, the place stinks and the model isn't exactly what I expected. Having decided to stay I try my best to get some pictures but it just isn't working so I spend more time chatting than I do pressing that shutter release. After one more go I call it a day and pack up, dissapointed not to have got anything decent but glad to be leaving.

Back home and reluctantly view the images on the PC, the aren't great but I knew that already. With some tweaking I realise one or two aren't too bad and after an hour or so I have six images I would be happy to show the world.

I've a learnt a lesson today and I seem to be learning them all the time. This one is simple, never walk into anything with your eyes closed. I wouldn't do it for a wedding so why risk it here? The risk is lower but ultimately it's about getting the shot so from here on in it's plan, plan and then plan some more.

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