Sunday 21 November 2010

Don't try and be helpful

So here I am again with these very occasional blogs, I plan to make these at least bi-weekly or maybe even daily to try and keep me on my toes.
Well I think it would be nice to pass on some snippets of information every so often, not just for the photo people out there but for the very random snapper also. This is aimed at both categories maybe as I see so many people getting it so wrong.
The basics for a good picture, amongst other things, is making it sure it is in focus and sharp. There is nothing worse than a great picture being spoilt by an easily avoidable error such as not holding the camera steady. Today's 'Point and Shoot' cameras are just asking for camera shake as the lack of a viewfinder (or little hole to peer through) means everyone holds the damn thing at arms length, the result is zero stability and really poor picture. So the simple rule is not hold it out so far, keep your elbows in tight and bend your arms, make that camera so solid it will be great every time and not just once in a while. If the opportunity is there, put the camera down on something solid or press yourself against a wall, or car or your other half, anything to hold it still.
Now you may wonder why I bring this up? Well, while out shooting some pictures of Churches locally (DSLR on a tripod, time delay etc.) a total stranger walks up next to, takes a picture and steps back in all the space of 1 second. I turn and smile, say good morning and he tells me he needs a new camera because this one just doesn't meet with his high expectations. Being helpful I have a look at the picture and see it's blurred, so I tell him it's mainly down to him not taking his time and holding the camera closer to his body. He turns to me, frowns and walks away as though I had just insulted his parentage.
So would I do the same again, of course I would but sometimes I wonder why I bother......

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