Tuesday 10 January 2012

Chasing The Light

As I'm looking to take a new 'angle' on things this year, this is the first of my reviews, I hope you enjoy it.

Chasing The Light - Ibarionex Perello

In an era when everyone writes a book, I'm not often swayed by the latest 'My new book is available' but in the case of Ibarionex it was a must buy.
For those who don't know the name, download an episode of The Candid Frame pod cast and enjoy some inspirational conversation hosted by the photographer Ibarionex Perello. It is rare to find someone so deeply passionate about their art without sounding 'theatrical' and his photographs speak for themselves.
So the guy can hold a conversation I hear you cry, but what about the book?
First of all, it's not a 'how to' book full of do this and do that, it's a creative journey about light and how it influences the photographer and the pictures they take. The photographs are mainly street photography and show a great understanding of light, contrast, shape accompanied by some text that gently explains the 'whys' and 'hows' without reading like a manual.
As I read through the book I had a great feeling of affirmation that what I do (or try to do) is along the same lines and I believe many will feel the same.
Well written, beautifully presented, worth every penny and one book you will refer to time and time again, if only to show others some of the wonderful images it contains.


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