Friday 22 October 2010

Deep breath, hold your nose and jump!

So here I am doing something I would never do; write a blog!

Having finally got back to my passion in life, photography, I have embarked upon what I hope will be a great journey where I can meet people, have opportunities to take some great photographs and maybe make a little money along the way.

So who am I and how did I get here?

Photography has been with me for a long time, from the first time my father let me take a picture while on a beach holiday (I really must find that picture and post it on here), I was hooked and at the age of eleven I was given my first SLR (or proper camera for those not in the know). From there I aspired to great things and hung on to dream of being a press photographer but fate can be cruel sometimes and I ended up behind the counter of a Jessop's store!

From there I did finally break out and get to take photographs for a living; Boots, Mothercare and BHS were my studios and many thousands of children were my subjects, parents enticed into entering their little darling into a photo competition when all we wanted to do was sell them pictures. These were great times, queues of people out the door waiting to be photographed while I took shot after shot onto rolls of 100m long film.

Long hours for very little pay soon made my head turn toward the printing industry and off I went for ten years, shift work, factories, solvent smells and dirty hands, wonderful days. When the printing industry fell apart I walked away and soon ended up with the greatest job of all, fatherhood. Seven wonderful years of being at home with the children, nappies, teething, tumble tots and children's TV it was a great adventure but time moves on and they grow up too quick.

So here I am now, two fantastic kids at school and Dad finally let off the leash to rekindle that dream of taking pictures and above all seeing the pleasure on my clients faces when they see their pictures for the first time.

It's going to be fun.....

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